AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.

About the submission

There’s clear evidence that teaching quality has the greatest impact on students’ literacy and numeracy outcomes, and that evidenced-based teaching practices are the most effective and efficient ways to maximise student learning.

The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has identified 3 evidence-based practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools:

AERO’s submission recommends the ACT Education Directorate work collaboratively with schools to implement these practices, including evidence-based literacy teaching practices based on the Science of Reading and MTSS in their school’s local context.

This submission will also outline principles the ACT Education Directorate can draw on to ensure effective implementation, as well as mechanisms – including high-quality centralised resources, guidance, resourcing and training – to support schools in implementing these practices.