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Agency publication

Data strategy

Data is critical to AERO achieving its vision of excellent and equitable outcomes for all children and young people.
Agency publication

Consultation report

We asked the educators, teachers, education leaders and policymakers across Australia about what Australia's education evidence body should focus on.

Explicit instruction

Explicit instruction breaks down what students need to learn into smaller learning outcomes and models each step. It allows students to process new information more effectively.

Formative assessment

In formative assessment, you gather and interpret information about student learning as it is happening in your classroom. It helps you to adapt your teaching to meet student needs. 

Mastery learning

Mastery learning is a way of designing units of work so that each set of tasks focuses on a particular learning objective and students must master a task to move onto the next one.

Spacing and retrieval

Spacing and retrieval involves separating learning over multiple lessons and providing opportunities for students to recall what they have learned. This helps to commit learning to long-term memory.

Literacy and numeracy research

Literacy and numeracy are critical foundations, equipping students to access learning in all other parts of the curriculum.
Agency publication

Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan outlines how we will work towards our vision for Australia to achieve excellence and equity in educational outcomes for all children and young people through effective use of evidence.
Agency publication

Research Agenda 2023

Our Research Agenda outlines our annual research priorities. The agenda is developed in consultation with the education community and approved by our Board and a meeting of education Ministers.

Key concepts in research

Explanations of commonly used terms related to education evidence and research