73 – 84 of 93 results found

Practice resource

Explicit instruction: Example of practice

Examples of practice demonstrate effective practice in different education settings. You can use them to think about how to apply the practice in your own context.

Evidence in early childhood education and care

What does evidence look like in an early childhood education and care setting? We’ve spoken to some educators and teachers to explore the many different types of evidence they use in their practice.  

Evidence use in Australian education

Findings from AERO’s recent survey help us to understand how early childhood teachers, early childhood directors, school teachers and school leaders use evidence in their work.

Knowing your students and knowing Country

How can teachers deeply know their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students? Colleen Hayward reflects on the importance of learning about students' culture, cultural identity and Country.

Evidence and the real world

There is a growing appetite in Australia for more evidence-based policymaking in education. Jordana Hunter, School Education Program Director at the Grattan Institute, explores evidence-based policymaking in the real world.

Using evidence by staying curious

Jen Jackson, Early Childhood Program Director, Centre for Policy Development, and Associate Professor of Education Policy at the Mitchell Institute at Victoria University, explores evidence use in early childhood education and care.