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Introduction to a multi-tiered system of supports

This explainer provides an introduction to the multi-tiered system of supports framework (MTSS) for secondary school leaders and teachers looking to support students in improving their literacy and numeracy skills.

Introduction to the science of reading

Understanding the cognitive science behind how students learn to read and the research on effective instruction makes it easier for educators to align policy and classroom teaching with evidence.

Does background determine student achievement?

A new analysis of NAPLAN data reconfirms that while students’ backgrounds influence their literacy and numeracy achievement, their results are not wholly determined by socio-economic background.

There is no such thing as an ‘average’ school

We might associate ‘top schools’ with having the lion's share of academic high-achievers. However, when we look at the distribution of achievement across all students within schools and compare it to average differences between schools, the story is not so straightforward.

The complex task of teaching writing

Writing proficiency is central to student success during the school years, and it influences personal and vocational outcomes post-school. The importance of writing as a communication and learning tool cannot be overstated.