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Research report

What works for 'what works' centres

This report outlines findings from a desktop review of 'what works' for evidence intermediaries and the barriers and enablers to implementing evidence in education.
Practice resource

Mastery learning example of practice

This example uses a Year 9 Physical Education lesson to demonstrate effective practice in different education settings.
Practice resource

Spacing and retrieval: Example of practice

Examples of practice demonstrate effective practice in different education settings. You can use them to think about how to apply the practice in your own context.

Evidence in early childhood education and care

What does evidence look like in an early childhood education and care setting? We’ve spoken to some educators and teachers to explore the many different types of evidence they use in their practice.  

Literacy and numeracy research

Literacy and numeracy are critical foundations, equipping students to access learning in all other parts of the curriculum.

The complex task of teaching writing

Writing proficiency is central to student success during the school years, and it influences personal and vocational outcomes post-school. The importance of writing as a communication and learning tool cannot be overstated.
Practice guide

Early literacy

Early literacy approaches support the development of foundational skills. This guide outlines key practices for supporting literacy in early learning settings.