13 – 24 of 25 results found


Intentional teaching leads to purposeful play-based learning

Evidence-based intentional teaching can help educators and teachers progress and support children’s learning. It is also important for educators and teachers to incorporate the intentionality of children and their families into their planning for children’s learning.
Practice resource

Using the practice: Early literacy

We look at strategies for engaging in sustained shared conversations with children aged 3-5 years, using examples of educators and teachers using moments in the day to build children’s literacy skills.
Practice resource

Using the practice: Early numeracy

This resource outlines some strategies to embed early numeracy in your early childhood education and care setting.

Using evidence to improve children’s outcomes

Research, and the evidence it provides, helps educators be more intentional in their practice. It also guides important policy decisions to improve children’s outcomes and life trajectories.

Literacy and numeracy research

Literacy and numeracy are critical foundations, equipping students to access learning in all other parts of the curriculum.
Practice guide

Early numeracy

Numeracy is the application of mathematical concepts, with skills developing along trajectories from birth. This guide outlines practices to support numeracy in early learning settings.