AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
61 – 72 of 95 results found
Research summary
Creating AERO's family engagement practice guides: Methodology and annotated reading list
This methodology and annotated reading list describe the process AERO used to synthesise available research to develop our family engagement practice guides.
Practice resource
Using the practice: Early literacy
This practice resource looks at strategies for engaging in sustained shared conversations with children aged 3 to 5 years. It uses examples of educators and teachers using moments in the day to build children’s literacy skills.
'But that would never work here' – Does context matter more than evidence?
Nobody knows more about students’ learning needs than their teachers and educators. So how should teachers and educators respond to research evidence about effective practice that is broad and does not appear to take account of contextual factors?
Practice resource
Family engagement audit tool: Secondary
Secondary school teachers and leaders can use these tools to examine their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.
Practice resource
Family engagement audit tool: Primary
Primary school teachers and leaders can use these tools to examine their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.
Research report
Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report
This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.
Improving use of evidence-based practices to better support students
There is broad consensus in the research community that certain practices such as formative assessment and explicit instruction improve student outcomes. But these practices are often complex and hard to implement, involving many different elements.
Practice resource
Explicit instruction rubric
This rubric outlines a set of capabilities to do with the evidence-based practice of explicit instruction.
Practice resource
Evidence decision-making tool for policymakers
A tool to help policymakers use evidence to make decisions about a new or existing policy, program or other initiative based on AERO’s Standards of Evidence.
Practice resource
Family engagement implementation checklists: Secondary
Secondary school teachers and leaders can use these checklists to plan the implementation of their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.
Practice guide
Sentence combining
This practice guide provides evidence-based, practical advice for teachers on how to teach sentence combining in the context of their classrooms.
Practice resource
Writing instruction framework: Primary
A writing instruction template for primary school principals and leaders. Helps users examine how the school approaches and implements the effective teaching of writing and writing assessment, and evaluate opportunities for further improvement.