97 – 108 of 130 results found

Practice resource

Using the practice: Early literacy

We look at strategies for engaging in sustained shared conversations with children aged 3-5 years, using examples of educators and teachers using moments in the day to build children’s literacy skills.

Shape national education research and resources

The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) is looking for educators, teachers and leaders from Australian schools and early childhood education and care (ECEC) services to prioritise and shape its research and resources.
Research summary

Evidence use in education policymaking: Key findings

Partnering with Learning First, we investigated issues influencing the effective use of evidence in policy development through a desktop review and interviews with senior policymakers.
Research report

Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report

This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.
Practice resource

Formative assessment rubric

This rubric outlines a set of capabilities to do with the evidence-based practice of formative assessment.

There is no such thing as an ‘average’ school

We might associate ‘top schools’ with having the lion's share of academic high-achievers. However, when we look at the distribution of achievement across all students within schools and compare it to average differences between schools, the story is not so straightforward.
Research summary

Examining equity in NAPLAN achievement

This research summary explains the methodology for a data analysis of students' backgrounds and their influence on literacy and numeracy achievement.
Practice guide

Sentence combining

This practice guide provides evidence-based, practical advice for teachers on how to teach sentence combining in the context of their classrooms.
Practice resource

Writing instruction framework – primary

A writing instruction template for primary school principals and leaders. Helps users examine how the school approaches and implements the effective teaching of writing and writing assessment, and evaluate opportunities for further improvement.