1 – 12 of 21 results found


Executive functions: Trajectory

This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory video outlines children’s progress in executive functions. It can be used alongside the EYLF 2.0 assessment and planning cycle to support children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
Research summary

Cultural responsiveness in education

This research summary outlines research on culturally responsive teaching practices that create culturally safe learning environments.

First Nations education advisory group (Nominations closed)

Note: nominations for the First Nations Expert Reference Group closed as at 20 November 2023. The group will ensure AERO's contribution to education research, policy and practices meet the needs of First Nations communities.
Research summary

Transitions between school and outside school hours care

This evidence summary supports AERO’s practice guide for transitions between school and OSHC. It describes the evidence base behind the guides and synthesises insights from available research.