25 – 36 of 288 results found

Practice guide

Complex sentences

This practice guide helps teachers explain complex sentences, enabling students to produce more sophisticated writing. It's the third and final in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide

Compound sentences

This practice guide helps teachers unpack the features of compound sentences, which allow students to add interest to their writing. It's the second in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Agency publication

Consultation report

We asked the educators, teachers, education leaders and policymakers across Australia about what Australia's education evidence body should focus on.
Agency publication

Data strategy

Data is critical to AERO achieving its vision of excellent and equitable outcomes for all children and young people.

Does background determine student achievement?

A new analysis of NAPLAN data reconfirms that while students’ backgrounds influence their literacy and numeracy achievement, their results are not wholly determined by socio-economic background.
Research report

Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report

This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.
Practice guide

Early childhood learning trajectories: User guide

This user guide is for teachers and educators working in early childhood education and care (ECEC). It will help you use the learning trajectories, to strengthen your curriculum and inform your pedagogical decision-making.
Practice resource

Early childhood learning trajectories: Reflection activity

This activity invites you to collect and reflect on examples from your early childhood education and care (ECEC) service, individually and with colleagues, to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the learning trajectories.